Thursday, August 18, 2011

1 Down ... Maybe

Maybe it was a bad idea to decide to start a blog while I was studying for the CPA exam.  As you can see, I am far from a regular blogger.  I guess studying is more important than blogging, but I was hoping to keep somewhat of a record of my journey.

I took the Audit exam on Monday.  I think it was a good experience to get that first one taken and see exactly what it was like.  I was kind of surprised by how it felt so similar to all of my practice MCQs.  I think there were quite a few that were exactly the same as some I had seen many times.  Did anyone else ever have the feeling while taking the test that never in their study time they had seen anything that pertained to some of the questions?  A couple of the questions looked like a foreign language. 

So, how do I think I did?  Like I mentioned, some questions I felt I knew for sure.  Some, I had absolutely no clue.  And some I felt like I could easily eliminate a couple of possibilities but had to guess between two of the answers.  As far as the SIMs, I felt very confident on at least half of them, but not so sure on some of the others.  Does that mean I failed?  Did I pass?  I'm afraid to say that I think I will have to retake the test.  But I don't know for sure.

Now comes the hard part.  I have to wait until September to find out if I passed or not.  Tom Petty said it best - "The waiting is the hardest part"  I am sure the time will go by fast as I have already begun my studies for what a lot people think is the hardest section - FAR.  As I mentioned in previous posts, I am using Gleim to study.  I have just reviewed the first study unit and it was hard to get through.  It was the conceptual part of GAAP.  Boring!   Hopefully once I get going through the actual calculations it will get easier.

Well, wish me luck on getting my results.  I don't know if I have the patience to wait for this!